KIDS ROCK Summer Camp – Director 夏令營總監
This position reports to the Summer Camp Committee at Mississauga Chinese Baptist Church. Responsibilities include planning and delivery of the 2025 summer camp in conjunction with MCBC’s vision and leadership. The Director will be expected to work an average of 35 hours per month (April-August). Some weeks in the early planning stages may be less and the weeks leading up to the camp may require more time. A minimum of 170 hours will be logged.
Duties and Responsibilities include but are not limited to the following:
– Leading a committee for preparation of the camp
o Camp Schedule
o Volunteer Sign-ups
o Camp Promotions
o Camper Registration
– Mentoring and training staff members (i.e., camp counsellors and volunteers)
– Supervising and directing all staff and volunteers assigned to work with the daily program
– Managing the allocated budget
– Overseeing the safety of staff and campers during the duration of the camp
– Providing a follow-up report to the Summer Camp Committee the week of camp
– Engaging in open communication with parents/guardians and responding to camp questions, inquiries or feedback in a professional manner
The Director will be paid an honorarium of $3200.
Duties are to commence as soon as possible.
Applications in writing must be received at no later than March 23, 2025. Please include a testimony of faith, an up-to-date resume and two references from ministry, school, or work.
We appreciate the interest of all applicants but will only be interviewing candidates whose skills, experience and qualifications best meet the requirements of the position.
1. Point Person for all volunteers, especially section/station leaders.
2. Organizes volunteer teams for section/station leaders.