Open post





  1. 福音派神學院畢業 (道學碩士或以上)
  2. 接納浸信會信仰及體制
  3. 操流利粵語及懂英語 (有北美事奉經驗更佳)
  4. 負責協助主責牧師推展教會各項聖工及牧養會眾
  5. 至少十年牧會經驗

有 意 者 請 電 郵 履 歷 至:


Chair, MCBC Pastoral Search Committee
Mississauga Chinese Baptist Church
5220 Creekbank Road
Mississauga, Ontario Canada
L4W 1X1

電話: 905-238-9121


Searching for Pastor in Cantonese Ministry

Position Description:

Candidates must be a graduate of an evangelical seminary of good standing, in agreement with generally held Baptist beliefs, having at least 10 years of pastoral ministry experience and able to speak Cantonese and English. Experience of ministry in North America would be an asset.
Responsibilities include:

  • Under the leadership of the Lead Pastor, participating fully and co-operatively in the teamwork of the pastoral staff.
  • Taking charge of specific ministries as assigned by the Lead Pastor and / or Deacon board
  • Participating in the pulpit ministry
  • Providing spiritual leadership and guidance to the Deacon Board.
  • Providing guidance to fellowship committee and small groups where appropriate
  • Building up spiritual life of believers through teaching, visitation and personal counseling where appropriate.

For application, please e-mail your resume to:  Chair, MCBC Pastoral Search Committee


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